Listings » Construction, Industrial, & Architecture

Spare parts for Russian vertical lathes VTL1516, 1525, 1532

Wroclawska 96
, 63-640 Poland


We have in our inventory spare parts for Sedin and Ryazan machine tools vertical turning lathes 1512, 1516, 1525,1L532, screw cutting lathe 1M65, 1M63. Mechanical and electrical parts for russian machine tools available from stock:
electromagnetic and pneumatic clutches and brakes
complete mechanical clutches for 1M63, 16K20 etc.
complete clamping device EMG50, EMG51, EMG52, EMG53 …
gears and shafts
pumps, valves and separators and many more...

Please contact me directly: ka@multimasz.
