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Implementing Managed Print Services in Your Business

04/18/2024 04:31 AM

Managed Print Servicesinvolve outsourcing the management of all aspects of business printing devices, including copiers, printers, scanners, and faxes. This service encompasses everything from the supply of consumables and maintenance to full billing and usage reporting. MPS providers help businesses streamline their printing infrastructure, reduce costs, and improve efficiency and productivity by optimizing the document output processes.

How Can MPS Benefit Your Business?

MPS benefits businesses by:

  • Reducing Costs: MPS helps identify and eliminate inefficiencies in printing, which can significantly reduce overall expenditure on document production.
  • Improving Productivity: With better device management and reduced downtime, employees can focus more on core business tasks instead of dealing with printer-related issues.
  • Enhancing Security: MPS providers implement advanced security measures to protect sensitive information processed by print digital solutions and other devices.
  • Sustainability: Optimizing print environments also reduces waste and energy usage, contributing to a business's sustainability goals.

Preparing for MPS Implementation

Assessing Current Printing Needs and Costs

Before implementing MPS, a thorough assessment of the current printing infrastructure and usage patterns is essential. This assessment should look at:

  • Current Costs: Direct costs (paper, toner, maintenance) and indirect costs (IT support, employee downtime).
  • Volume and Type of Printing: Different departments might have varying needs, affecting the type and number of devices required.

Identifying Opportunities for Improvement

This assessment will highlight areas for improvement, such as:

  • Underutilized Devices: Reducing the number of printers or replacing them with multifunctional devices.
  • High-Cost Operations: Identifying processes that incur unnecessary costs and could be improved with digital solutions.

Choosing the Right MPS Provider

Criteria for Selecting an MPS Provider

Selecting the right MPS provider involves evaluating:

  • Experience and Reputation: A provider with a strong track record in managing print services effectively.
  • Range of Services Offered: Ensure the provider offers comprehensive services that meet all your business needs.

Evaluating Providers with Expertise in Digital Printing Solutions

For businesses looking to integrate MPS with print digital solutions, it’s crucial to choose a provider who:

  • Understands Digital Printing: Expertise in digital technologies ensures the provider can integrate advanced digital solutions effectively.
  • Offers Custom Digital Solutions: The ability to customize solutions to fit unique business processes and requirements.

Customizing MPS to Fit Your Business

Integration with Existing Digital Print Solutions

Successful MPS implementation requires seamless integration with any existing digital print solutions. This involves:

  • Compatibility Checks: Ensuring new MPS systems are fully compatible with existing digital printing setups.
  • Software Integration: Integrating MPS software with current digital workflows to ensure smooth operations.

Tailoring Services to Meet Specific Business Needs

Customization of services is crucial for maximizing the benefits of MPS:

  • Custom Reporting: Tailored reporting to track usage patterns, costs, and other key metrics.
  • Personalized Solutions: Developing unique solutions that address the specific challenges and opportunities within your business.

The Implementation Process

Steps Involved in Implementing MPS

Implementing a Managed Print Service (MPS) typically involves several key steps to ensure a successful deployment:

  1. Initial Consultation and Assessment: This step involves the MPS provider conducting a detailed assessment of the current print environment, understanding the client's needs, and identifying opportunities for optimization.

  2. Solution Design and Proposal: Based on the assessment, the provider designs a customized MPS solution tailored to the client's specific requirements, including hardware, software, and management services.

  3. Installation and Configuration: The selected print devices and management software are installed and configured. This step may include setting up network connections for remote monitoring and control.

  4. Integration: The MPS system is integrated with the client's existing IT infrastructure, ensuring compatibility and seamless operation across all systems.

  5. Roll-out and Go-live: After thorough testing, the MPS solution goes live. This phase may be staged or implemented all at once, depending on the business size and scope of the project.

Role of the Provider in Ensuring Smooth Transition

The MPS provider plays a crucial role in ensuring a smooth transition by:

  • Providing Expertise and Guidance: Leveraging their expertise to anticipate and solve potential issues before and during the implementation.
  • Managing Change: Helping the client manage the change within their organization, including addressing concerns from staff and ensuring everyone understands the benefits of the new system.
  • Continual Support: Offering ongoing support during the initial stages of the implementation to address any teething problems promptly.

Training and Support

Training Staff on New Systems and Practices

Effective training is critical for the successful adoption of MPS within an organization. The MPS provider should offer comprehensive training that covers:

  • Operational Training: How to use the new printing devices and software efficiently.
  • Best Practices: Educating staff on best practices for print management to maximize cost savings and productivity.
  • Troubleshooting: Basic troubleshooting procedures to minimize downtime.

Ongoing Support and Troubleshooting from the Provider

The level of ongoing support provided by the MPS provider can significantly impact the long-term success of the MPS solution. This support should include:

  • Help Desk Services: Access to a knowledgeable help desk for resolving any issues quickly.
  • Regular Maintenance: Scheduled maintenance to keep equipment running smoothly and prevent breakdowns.
  • Software Updates: Regular updates to MPS software to ensure compatibility, security, and improved functionality.

Monitoring and Optimization

Setting Up Monitoring Tools for Print Activities

Monitoring tools are essential for managing and optimizing print activities effectively. These tools can:

  • Track Usage: Monitor who is printing what, when, and on which device.
  • Identify Inefficiencies: Pinpoint areas where printing is higher than necessary or where resources are being wasted.

Regular Reviews and Adjustments to Optimize Print Management

To continually derive maximum value from an MPS:

  • Performance Reviews: Regular reviews of print management performance metrics to assess if the MPS is meeting the expected goals.
  • Adjustments and Updates: Based on these reviews, adjustments may be necessary to address new business needs or to further optimize the print environment.
  • Feedback Mechanisms: Implementing mechanisms for staff to provide feedback on the print services, which can help in refining the solution.

Security Considerations

Ensuring Data Security in Print Operations

Security is paramount in managed print services, particularly as printers and multifunction devices often handle sensitive information. MPS providers help ensure data security through several means:

  • Secure Printing Features: Implementation of secure print release functions, where print jobs are held in a secure queue until the user authenticates themselves at the device.
  • Data Encryption: Ensuring that data sent to and from printers is encrypted, protecting it against interception by unauthorized parties.
  • Device Security: Regular updates and patches for printer firmware to protect against vulnerabilities.

Compliance with Regulatory Standards through MPS

MPS providers also play a crucial role in helping organizations comply with regulatory standards related to data privacy and document security, such as GDPR, HIPAA, or SOX:

  • Document Control: Features that control and log access to documents throughout their lifecycle, ensuring compliance with document retention and destruction policies.
  • Audit Trails: Providing comprehensive audit trails that record all device activities, essential for compliance reviews and audits.

Advantages of Integrating MPS with Digital Printing Solutions

Enhancing Efficiency with Advanced Digital Features

Integrating MPS with digital printing solutions offers enhanced efficiency through advanced features such as:

  • Automated Workflows: Automating routine tasks like document capture, content management, and routing to streamline operations and reduce manual labor.
  • Cloud Integration: Allowing users to access and print documents from anywhere, facilitating better collaboration and flexibility in work processes.
  • Customized User Interfaces: Tailoring the printer user interfaces to match workflow requirements, making operations smoother and more intuitive.

Cost-Effectiveness of Combining MPS with Digital Technologies

The combination of MPS and digital printing technologies can lead to significant cost savings by:

  • Reducing Paper Waste: Advanced digital features like duplex printing, print preview, and strict print quotas help reduce unnecessary printing and paper waste.
  • Optimizing Device Utilization: Ensuring the right balance between print volumes and device capabilities, preventing both underutilization and overtaxing of equipment.
  • Lowering Operational Costs: Streamlining workflows and reducing the time and resources spent on managing print operations.


Managed print services, especially when integrated with digital printing solutions, offer substantial benefits to organizations by enhancing efficiency, reducing costs, and improving security across print operations. The integration of digital solutions brings modern technology into traditional print management, driving innovations that can transform business processes.